
ramble on

i ended up hitting devil's head on sunday with john. it took us 45 minutes longer to get out of the house than usual with two kids. we need to work on that. you forget all that shit. i ended up being way over prepared, but the weekend before i wasn't prepared as we hit a barbecue we hadn't planned on. it was cool though, we hung out with the guys from the kodak gallery/sierra nevada team after the pro crits. anyway, devil's head was good. the trip up was uneventful. we got there in just enough time for john to register and get dressed. he didn't really get a chance to warm up. i guess that's the sacrifice you may have to make if you want your whole family there with a newborn. i missed this race. i dreaded it last year as i'm not a climber but i ended up having one of my best finishes there. i think i was able to hold my own with my descending skills. the weather was a lot more pleasant this year. john got his second age podium so that was cool. casey is enjoying it.
nothing else going on really. i'd like to hit the basement to check out my bikes. they are kind of stashed out of the way. i plan on saddling up on one this weekend and see how it feels. for real this time. i have one change in mind for the sycip and a couple for the spot. the s.a.s.s. still needs a headset and the rig has no fork. damn, i forgot about the rig. i'll need to find out about that bontrager fork. this is what sucks about not being at work.
speaking of the basement, its a wreck! we got tons of water on monday from all that rain. the one rug is trashed and needs to get out of there, it smells!
zoe has some digestion issues right now so she's been a bit cranky. i feel so bad for her. i'm hoping the latest fix will work in a couple of days and we'll have a happy baby again.
everyone but me is asleep on the couch right now. i'm pretty stressed out with lack of sleep, my parents have to put their dog down, not being at work, a cranky newborn, a rambuctious 4 year old with tons of energy we're having a hard time dissipating, grass in the back is way out of control-i'm depressed to even open the blinds-, an idiot for a dog who just broke our brand new sliding screen door and some other things. i have tension headaches towards the evening. i clench my teeth so tight i have a hard time unlocking my jaw. the middle of my shoulder blades are just burning. i need a massage. i think i just really need some good sleep. i'm pretty bored as well. i have been dying for some adult companionship or something. some friends may stop by tomorrow night, saturday my aunt is having people over for the holiday and who knows what sunday and monday may bring...
fuck. i didn't want to end on a sour note. maybe if i'm motivated i'll get some bike pics and start posting some porn.


Mountaingoat said...

Even though most of my conversations aren't very adult I am getting pretty bored since you haven't been at work and I have no one to chat on email with.