
race fans

tomorrow is sheboygan. w00t. i'm excited and full of dread at the same time. weather looks to be perfect, couldn't ask for a better day in october. i have to go try on my d'arcy gear... not sure if it fits... and if it does, i have to make sure i look good in it. this is very doubtful.
zoe is finally sleeping, casey is downstairs watching jurassic park and i'm sure john is assuring her dinosaurs are no longer real. sometimes i can't believe we let her watch certain things. we are bad parents. family guy will come to a halt real soon as she's been starting to ask questions.
john finished up his cross bike today... pics real soon (i know i know, yeah right). i did nothing to any of my bikes. i'm a total slacker. building some new wheels for the rig, the stock wheels are lards. i would have preferred pewter hubs, but black will have to do. i need an orange king headset... i'm still pissed they dissed purple... and even more pissed at myself for not buying one.
race report after the race sometime i suppose.
cross racing starts next weekend. i love watching it, but sometimes the travel isn't worth it.