

saturday i had the wedding shower. got home around 3:00 still no potter book. it better come. finally.
read read and read. done. i'm excited to have that spell off my back. i've been waiting for over 2 years to read that book.
i enjoyed them and am glad to not have to obsess about it anymore.
after finished the book i hit the mesa. it's been awhile since i'd been offroad... blue mounds i think? or did i have one palos ride in there? don't remember. anyway... stan sticks everywhere! still a blast though.
work tomorrow... tues and wed.... 24-9 is a maybe for me, maybe only because i'm still holding onto hope. bummer. my family is out of town and john's family has a wedding.
i'm bummed.
anyone wanna babysit a 5 year old and 11 month old?


Dano said...

One of my daughters got hers at the local grocery store. Everyone in line at Waldens and no one knew they were there. She just walked in and picked it up.

Anonymous said...

I'll take your kids on loan - they'd be great entertainment for my 3 year old.
-Kari (Chris's SIL)

Unknown said...

ha ha. don't tease me!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm only kind of kidding - I'll take 'em - but only as a loan - you would get them back. I wish I could go but giving someone else the opportunity to would be the next best thing.

Unknown said...

thank you for offering. we will probably end up taking them. it won't be ideal, but def better than not going at all.