
more rain

wtf? i can't believe the amount of rain we've been getting. i so remember in just recent years past that august was the month of brown grass (straw really) and all kinds of watering bans. as pretty as the grass is i'd rather be riding off road.


Jay Dobble You said...

I miss rain. It's been waaaay too long...

Dano said...

No rain up by me......

And thats the way I like it.

Screw the grass.

MTB Girl said...

I think this year was flipped. No rain in the beginning of the season. . . .lots now.

Mt. Morris should be a BLAST with rain. I can hardly ride the freakin' downhill turns DRY.

We're thinking of taking our blender and selling Margaritas afterwards. . . .maybe even DURING. :-)