

my funk is dissipating. i showered last night and time takes care of the mental stuff. i'm trying to get my doc to prescribe this in case i ever feel that way again.
i rode last night (all by myself). usually not a big deal but wednesday nights are the nights i enjoy riding with people.
i ended up riding the palos meltdown course. i was slow. my tires kind of sucked for the "a bit more than tacky" sections of the trail. but that's not why i was slow. i just was working things out in my head. which is kind of a disaster on a mtb ride.
i slammed my foot into a rock. ouch. i should've just rode my singlespeed as i forgot to shift gears the whole time any way. i was either in way too easy of a gear or way too hard. the way too hard ended making my aching back ache even more.
it was a beautiful evening actually to be in the woods. it wasn't too hot at all.
i saw two people the whole time i was out there. they were coming down stair steps. bad ass hill is super technical right now. the rocks are really loose as well as there being a nice water rut down the middle. there were a few trees down. more than i would have expected. there was actually a tree down on every trail.
i started to head back to the car a bit before 7. i was still on the trail back to the parking lot but my mind wasn't. i don't know what happened. all i remember is seeing the spray painted root and then sitting on the ground. my guess is i leaned the bike over a bit too far and my "not so great in the more than tacky" tires must have broke free. my handlebar spun completely around cutting the top tube. i couldn't get it back spun around. i had to undo the clamp on the brake lever to spin it back. my bar had turned up as well. that kinda sucked. luckily i was done. my knee and hip are pretty sore today. my knee being pretty bruised. it took the majority of the impact. i had like an inch of mud caked there with some blood. i had leaves and dirt in my teeth. and something burned my wrist. i haven't had my bell and body rung like that all year. it was like a shock. luckily nothing to keep me off the bike. just a reminder that you're never off the trail until you clip out and get off your bike.
today i would like to get my rx filled for my glasses. i only have a pair of riding rx glasses and would like some just regular glasses. i was hoping to go right now, but it's zoe's nap time. when she wakes up it'll be time to pick up casey and josh from school. and then i'm not so sure i want to bring a couple of 5 year olds with me. but in reality i'll just suck it up and be one of those moms yelling the whole time i'm out to tell them to get back here or stop running. it's also casey's open house tonight. that should be neat. i'm sure she'll be excited to show us around her school.
in exciting news we got a big ass box from zappos yesterday. casey has grown out of all her shoes so i got her a few pairs. she's in love with her camo with pink skull circa shoes and her vans. i thought she was going to sleep with her circas. she's not as excited about her vans all star type shoes. while i was at it i also ordered john and myself some chucks. believe it or not i haven't bought a pair of shoes for myself in awhile. i love shoes.


Sarah Lukas said...

That's good that you didn't get hurt. In weird ways I'd rather crash with people around me just in case I do actually get hurt, but then in the same sense they don't see me crash. I wouldn't think that'd slow you down!

joeyTWOwheels said...

Ride + new shoes = no mo funk

Repeat as necessary.

velogrrl said...

I got a box from Zappos yesterday too. That place is great - they actually have my size, which is unusual! Unfortunately most of my box will be going back, doesn't fit.

Kids shoes are so much cooler today than they used to be. I like those Circas. Lucky Casey!

Unknown said...

what i love about zappos is its so easy to return things.

Anonymous said...

I buy most of my stuff from shoes.com (part of the co I work for...so I get the discount!). I love new shoes, I'm so jealous of you right now.

MTB Girl said...

Ooooh, I SO feel your pain! I actually have a nice paint divot off the top tube of Athena where I flew over the bars and flipped them around. Had to undo the brake levers to get the bars back.

I'm so much better at falling now-a-days. Most of the time I tend to land on my feet. I think it comes from YEARS of practice.

Tom K said...

hope you recover fast. Gina was out there for a couple laps in the late afternoon and mentioned the trees. Hope we don't get any rain and have to go to the 12hour course.

julie said...

i'm a total zappo's addict. in fact, i have a box sitting right here next to me. it's so fun to order a ton, and return a ton minus one.

glad you're feelin' better!

velogrrl said...

and right now, if you need a quick fix, they have free overnight shipping! can't beat that.....

Anonymous said...

Dirt and leaves in your teeth? Ouch! Hope the bod is feeling better soon.

Jay Dobble You said...

I'm afraid to ask what tires they were...

Also, I need new shoes.
And jeans.

mllm said...

i think i saw you yesterday...did u park down at the beginnign of the grass hill...
part of team vesrah brakes team

Unknown said...

no, i was in the staging area wed night. i didn't ride thursday.

mllm said...

...ah nevermind...
alla Gilda Radner

are you old enough to know who gilda radner was of SNL?...

Unknown said...

i do know who gilda radner is.