
for seriously

Do I win for lamest blog? I should. It's been a long time. What's sad is I really haven't done anything even remotely interesting. Well,okay, for this crowd I guess I have kinda- I changed the tape on my road bike, different color and everything. Very exciting stuff.
I've been sick for about a week now. I'm finally starting to feel like part of the living today, but still not 100%. Not well enough to ride outside, but maybe I'll give the (gasp) trainer a go.
It's less than a month til Ft. Custer. I want to go. Really want to go. But I know we won't be going. I still can't believe mountain bike racing will be starting soon. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm excited, but I've got that how-do-I-get-over-a-log-feeling again. It plagues me every March.


velogrrl said...

love the pic.

I think I always have that how-do-I-get-over-a-log feeling! ypu'll get your mad skillz back in no time!

Tom K said...

where are pics of the road bike? how do you make changes to bikes and not post pics? you fail at blogging.

Christine said...

The first step is the most difficult

MTB Girl said...

I think I win for lamest blog. :-(