
just ride ya fuckin wuss

so i leave work early today. all gung ho to come home and ride my new bike. i'm like a kid and a new toy. i figure get home, john'll be pickin' up case. i'll brown some hambuger, put in the spices and sauce for some kick ass spaghetti sauce, leave it in the pot and when i get home just start the flame. so i get home, brown the hamburger, put everything in the pot. start getting ready, go outside to get my shoes out of the element (i can't ever remember to put cycling stuff where i found it). it's fucking raining. BOO HOO. i almost cried. i was feeling so sorry for myself. i mean, i still feel like i had a right to be sad. it rained on my parade. so i for a few felt i wallowed in self pity. john is hyping me up to ride... i pretty much knew i was going anyway. so i got dressed in my rain gear and headed out on the rig. i had a blast. i headed out to the park and jumped over all the parking blocks. i headed out past the p's and popped on the bike path. leaves and puddles everywhere. it was super dark in the trees. headed past 159th st towards the golf course. headed full speed down the hill. thankfully i had a small light on me or i would've went head on with a concrete barrier. holy crap. they are repairing the path. no biggee, minor detour, but now i had to pay close attention to the trail with wet glasses and not ideal conditions. not 100 yards up there was a downed tree. totally rideable if not for all the big ass sticks protruding everwhere. up n over. moved on. at the bottom of the downhill more concrete barriers. i was able to ride around these. weird with the 29er. i had a great ride. i'm glad i went. i feel alive today and ironically no longer chilled to the bone. now i just need to go out and wipe the purple people eater off.


Jay Dobble You said...

I'm so proud of you pumpkin!
I love riding in the rain, as long as I can hop in a hot shower afterwards...