
ridin' soon?

i'm way too impatient. i just went downstairs to see if i could sit on my bike...did a short loop in the basement. it didn't hurt. w00t! i'm gonna go for a little ride outside, maybe sunday, and see how it feels. don't tell my mom though, she'll freak!
everything is good. i forgot all newborns do is cry, dirty diapers and sleep. zoe is starting to be more awake now, so that's good. we should start to see smiles more often soon. casey is good, but bored with me. next week i'll start walking with her to the park and stuff provided it's not hot as hell.
my sis gave birth to a baby girl tuesday, audrey rae. all is good with them as well.
i don't have much else to chat about. i may hit devil's head with john sunday... hopefully the weather is nice.

zoe boo

reese, audrey, casey n zoe


Tom K said...

cute pics. hope you are getting more sleep than us. i can't wait until he's a little older. He's gassy and cranky.

Unknown said...

slept 11-4 and then 4:30 to 9 am this morning. where's your pics on your blog? and yes james, i know you invented w00t.