

i'm on the expressway heading for the outbound ryan. one of the lanes ends after all the entrances in the city end, essentially right at the circle interchange. i'm speeding in the lane next to this. some asshole comes shootin' up in the lane that ends (i see him in my mirror). so i speed even more so he can't cut me off. so then he shoots behind me and then off into the other lane and continues to be a dick by weaving in and out of traffic. now is it just me or do you hope that fucker hits a concrete barrier too? it is this exact person that takes a perfectly moving expressway and turns it into a clusterfuck when he makes my wish come true.
on a lighter note i got home early today. not necessarily great circumstances, my gram has pneumonia so couldn't watch my kids. but not horrible circumstances either, she's at home probably eating ice cream or something.
the tv can be an awesome sitter sometimes...


Anonymous said...

I have a pretty mean streak sometimes. So not I only do I hope those cars hit the barrier, But I also hope for large explosions...behind me anyway so I won't get stuck in the traffic mess.

Anonymous said...

No TV when they are that young.

Unknown said...

seriously? what about the shot of vodka and cigarette when tom n jerry ended?