

saturday turned into a day of responsibility. choosing to race every other weekend pretty much means you neglect your home responsibilities. this weekend instead of driving up to wisconsin to ride kettle we decided to get caught up on some much needed yard work and house cleaning. since we've neglected it for so long there was plenty to do.

my plan was to fit a ride in at some point but with all the work to be done and it being john's mom and my gram's birthday- i literally just ran out of time. i tried to get a night ride going, but that wasn't working either. i'm too chicken to go by myself. there are sections of the forest preserves here that scare the crap out of me.
today the only objective is to ride. it rained like crazy last night so i'm hoping off road is doable.


MTB Girl said...

Did ya ride? :-)

velogrrl said...

I stayed home this weekend for pretty much the same reasons, plus to get some rest from racing and driving for hours every weekend. But now the weekend's over and I feel like I barely made a dent, what happened? I did get a lot of road riding in, though.

Hope you got to ride off road.