
fuck an apple

and screw mac. i'm so mad right now.
apple's protection plan only covers their screw ups? lame. waste of money for a protection plan that doesn't cover what you might screw up. it should be labeled as an extended warranty.
i need to read fine print better i guess.
edit: i've cooled off since. heat of the moment post. really its only a computer. my fault that the computer is in need of service- zoe threw my dunkin donuts cup at the computer and the 2 sips that were left went through the keys. none of my keys work (well okay i, c, y and q work and u sticks). i'm letting it dry out and/or will try an external keyboard and see what happens. if that doesn't work i'll have to take them up on their $300 minimum repair after i purchased what i thought was a protection plan. my ignorance i guess. but the customer service person was a dick... i'm totally a nice honest person just looking for some help or advice. sometimes i hate that i'm nice and honest. i need to work on being a bitchy liar.

it's snowing right now. casey's last competition is saturday. i'll miss the ladies ride on saturday which is a bummer, but at least its a good reason. sunday is the last chicago cross race. maybe i'll make it out there. i haven't been to spectate a cross race since last year. very weird.


Arleigh Jenkins said...

what did you mess up?

Dano said...

Wow, your really, really mad!

Unknown said...

meh... it's passed. that was heat of the moment. it's only a computer. but their customer service pissed me off. i hate that.

Tom K said...

off all races to come and watch...

Tom K said...

that's some bad typing by me.

Chris said...

I h te it w en I dr p c f ee w th su ar on my ke bo rd!

joeyTWOwheels said...

damn, that's what i was going to do (the spaced letters). if you didn't tell the guy your name and computer info, you could send it in and play dumb. that's what i did when the dog knocked my laptop tot he ground and it broke some $900 part (which they fixed for free).

go to that race. should be epic. wish i were there...

Unknown said...

when it first happened all i has was a couple keys, started it up later and i had no keys, started it up later and had all keys but o and p, turned it on this morning and nothing. everything works but the keys. i'm going to hook a keyboard up when i get home and see what happens. if it works, i need to decide if i just want to replace the keyboard myself for $200 or send it to apple or just go to the store and see what happens.

Jay Dobble You said...

To fix:
Battery out, open laptop, leave open upside down to dry for a couple of days.
Worked on my buddy's iBook the three times he spilled stuff on it, including a mimosa!

Unknown said...

yeah, that's what i've been doing. actually i haven't been opening it.

Jay Dobble You said...

Open it!
Leave it open!

julie said...

i hope you make it on sunday! we'll all be there, freezing our asses off. i'll be the one with whiskey n' coffee.
and on these sorts of things... things that break make me angry. people that don't help when things break and seem to think that customer service only applies when i've already written them a check make me ANGRY JULIE, incredible hulk style. it's salt in a wound and it makes me really irrationally pissed. Sounds like that "customer service" dude deserved a facepunch. which is why phone service sucks.