

i'm in a funk today. i feel really tired and bummed. i'm super bored and lazy at work. i have plenty to do but just not motivated.
i'll leave here and by the time i get home it'll be dark. not to mention i need to go to the grocery store and bank after work. bleh.
i have bike stuff to do but just am not motivated to do it. remount wheel, finish casey's fisher, cross bike (but i guess i need parts for that) and they all need to be washed.
at least i have a ride at kettle to look forward to on saturday, provided the weather cooperates.


Christine said...

do we have a plan B just in case? Im dying to do a long MTB ride.

Noel said...

Don't know if you guys got the rain we've been getting. I wish I could hit Kettle. So wet here, the MTB's are collecting dust.

Unknown said...

not that i'm aware of. i'm not up for a road ride.
if kettle is closed there is always palos. not sure how far away that is for most peeps. its worth a drive though.

Unknown said...

noel, we are getting some rain, but for some reason all the rain has been bypassing our area (palos, etc). we haven't gotten near as much as the northside or wisconsin. trails sunday at palos were in most excellent condition. you would have never known it had rained two days before. i was surprised.

MTB Girl said...

Don't worry. It will be nice. I'm holding off on the rain dance 'till Sunday. Right after my cross race. . . . .

joeyTWOwheels said...

it's amazing how much the day-to-day rigmarole can blow. when i'm in a funk, i set a goal and reward myself with a ride to the coffee shop.

have a good ride this weekend.

The Baron said...

Hey...don't let S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) set in so soon. I usually wait until February before it all gets to me and I start building little shrines to all the people I want to chop into small bits and then eat them.