

First race of the year = DNF for me.
I'm sort of bummed but not.

Doc today = antibiotic and pain relief.

Hopefully I feel better in the next couple of days.

John had an awesome result. 17th overall. Very nice! I'm proud of and happy for him.

Probably no Rhinelander for us. I wish. But it's like an 8 hour drive. Casey has soccer that Saturday. There's a PAMBA race that Sunday, so maybe we can race that.

I'd like to ride today but I'm just too tired. The dumb part of me wants to go ride the mesa; the smart part is like JUST GO SIT ON THE COUCH AND WATCH TV.


The Shed Master said...

Don't think of it as DNF, think of it as quitting.

JK - hope you're feeling better soon! I also got antibiotics today for bronchitis - wanna trade?

Christine said...

Congrats to John, he looked strong yesterday.

velogrrl said...

yeah, John was on fire when I saw him. Looking really strong.

Julie said...

i'm in solidarity with you on the couch. it's the best workout there is.